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March 12, 1917

Posted most of 10th cash. Am downstairs. Went to Library. Noted article in Collier’s in favor of broad general business knowledge & contra specialization. Met M. R. who introduced me to Miss Ginsberg. M. R. is verbose – friendly. Studied Coml. Course slightly (?)* 11 P.M.

*the (?) was his note

March 17, 1917

Russia is in the way of becoming a Republic. The reigning house have abdicated in favor of the Duomo. All with comparatively little bloodshed or interval of time. So the Great War here accomplishes democracy, and turns history into a new period.

Tonight, Wilton Lackage, courtly villian & Blanche Bates in 11 P.M. Plot risque, acting superb.

Billiard – Highland & Hyde Park. N Hamburg/2. Too many sweets.

Opened Coml. Course books last eve. Am appreciating the book “Fellow Captains” by S Cleghorn. New thought in variations. Veget. diet still dormant. Am over indulgent. 12 PM

Am slack and not progressing; sheer impotence.

Wilson has called for an extra session.

April 2nd, 1917

Wilson made a wonderful speech to Congress – calm, logical, coherent, and clear cut in its definitions. His peroration “from Luther” is Lincolnesque in its eloquence.

April 3rd – 4th, 1917

Congress declared war – first the senate -latter the House where pacifists mustered 50 strong. The Pres. has signed the declaration & the allies are rejoicing. 5 Billion $ will be raised of which 3 will go as loan to the allies.

The conscription problem holds the stage. Considerable opposition may loom up against service abroad. Teddy R. is for once with the administration as are Taft & Bryan who has offered his services as private.