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Feb 25, 1917

Sat. billed and posted parts of G, K & L. eve – Liberty with Lewis. Sun. Shear at Trinity held forth on moral fibre not being spared from temptation but trial by fire & emergence of the man. Also the key to success being desires & determination. (Power of will). Then to hear Elmer on Spiritual Reserves, the backing of the fine things of life – appreciations – culture – art, etc. when our first best fails us. In PM went with Lewis to station and up to H.A.R. cottage tastefully arranged & furnished some original ideas & work – fine view. Enjoyable afternoon – listening to myself talk. Am beginning to appreciate results of thrift. 11:45 P.M.

Feb 26, 1917

Accomplished nothing all day at office. Are changing over downstairs. Holland, it seems certain, must enter the war – 7 of her vessells were sunk. Eng. is impatient over US attitude Wilson addressed Congress to ask for armed neutrality & merchant marine convoys. Must get in some health methods in Mar. diet, excercise, etc.

March 11, 1917

Sat. I bal. “I”. Sun. arose late. to church – read “Gueed”* Walked with Lewis — The last week or so have been sunk in sensu ✱  but am now erect once more. Last Sun. heard Rabbi Wise, a liberal Jew, proclaim his kinship to the unitarians. Last Thur. heard a concert by Burr, Campbell, etc. Last Mon. Lyman Howes movies**, attended two dances.

Am going downstairs in office tomorrow. 11 P.M.

*his Rs look nothing like the U-shape in this word

**Lyman Howe, early movie-mogul showed films with a phonograph playing music and sometimes Foley sound effects and his own narration. The shows would travel to a given location to be screened. More info at Explore PA History site.