Feb. 19, 1917
Billed B started to post G. Eve attended lecture at YMCA by Vining. He preached gospel of the strenuous enthusiastic sacrificing radical life scoffed at will power love as the pilot* and proclaimed desire & ideals as the real dynamics of life. Preached new thought – self affirmation – eliminate failure from vocabulary by substituting “arrested success”. Endorsed H Munsterberg & H Bergson**. 11 P.M.
*”love as the pilot” was written in with a caret and not that legibly. As this sentence makes no sense, it’s probably wrong.
**Hugo Münsterberg German-American psychologist and college mentor of the guy who created Wonder Woman “one of the pioneers in applied psychology, extending his research and theories to Industrial/Organizational (I/O), legal, medical, clinical, educational and business settings” (Wikipedia) and Henri Bergson “known for his influential arguments that processes of immediate experience and intuition are more significant than abstract rationalism and science for understanding reality.” (Wikipedia)
Feb. 22, 1917
Tuesday – posted G. – in eve went to “Pals First” with Courtenay & Wise*. Had ½ opportunity for acquaintance – maybe with more ease, savoir-faire, etc. Wed posted I – billed H. Rutherfords in eve. Am sensu-plus.** Thur. posted H. eve Institute at High School – “King” on Eyes that See not & Ears that hear not. Fluent flowery facile oratory. 11 P.M.
*Assuming this was a play. Seems to have been made into a movie in 1918 and again in 1926.
**Maybe Latin for “more sensible”?
Feb. 23, 1917
Fri. took of sales G& I ✱ Must commence a rigid food basis – no meat, tea or coffee, cake, pie or sweets & less quantity. 10:45 P.M.
(Saartje’s note: I am eating a huge chocolate chip cookie while typing this)
Earl’s quest for personal improvement does make it hard to enjoy late night ice cream binges.
It gets worse before it gets better~!