May 16th, 1917
The first US destroyer flotilla has arrived at England. J.R. may accept Whitman’s offer of Maj. gen. In NY volunteer army. Hunt bal “I”. Danced with Miss Duryea.
May 21st, 1917
Mother was operated on this A.M. Dr. Lane was shocked at her condition, and she canot (sic) live many months more. Mother had foreseen it all and hoped this would be the last. Only she realized the hopelessness of it all. Dad passed thru his ‘Valley of the Shadow of Despair’ this day and now waits the end dry-eyed. I canot realize it yet, at all.
What a mother she has been–unselfish, untiring, unstinting, pouring out her love–and so sensitive so wise and keen in her judgements, when others were concerned. How long it has taken me to appreciate her wisdom, her practicality, though, always, I have appreciated her character. Never would she turn anyone from her door hungry; always sympathetic, always kind. And her mind was so broad, so clear-visioned; without the resources of a liberal education, her mind was never bounded by petty and local affairs. In my reading, studies, and planning, she has always help me company, praised my little accomplishments and insisted on progress. As I have broadened, the more clearly I have relished her keen insight, her appreciations, her criticisms, her humour. What a true sense of values she has; wealth and position mean nothing to her; love, affection, friendship mean everything. She has lived her life in service–happiness has been ever so fleeting, and now she is suffering to the end.
She wrote the following before the operation to Aunt Frank. “–And oh! Frank if only I don’t wake up. That is the best that can come to me! The best too, for Charley and Earl.– And what is life that we should moan. Why make we such ado. You all know how dead you have been, but now, God’s will be done. Good Bye.”
And yet how patient she has been. And how little there is left for us to do; to show our love. Oh, if only realization of all this had come before. Our trips, our plans, our little world – all is shattered.
May 30th, 1917
Memorial Day dawned bright and sunny after weeks of rain. Naval M. marched in parade without uniforms which are expected within week.
We are mobolized (sic) locally and our pay begins today. Saw the “Assassin” at theatre last night. Walter Sherwin starred – morbin production. The mater rests fairly and seems very bright & cheerful. Mamie (who came Sat. eve) left Wed. AM. Will be in NY in two weeks time.