I just had a great conversation on the phone with my 93 year old cousin. This was part of that conversation after I mentioned I have my grandfather’s drawings from when he was a kid of the allies fighting the Kaiser.
R: I remember a terrible naughty song… Maybe I shouldn’t…
R: (Laughing) Scotch marine went over the top, parlez-vous, Scotch marine went over the top, parlez-vous, Scotch marine went over the top because he heard a penny drop, hinky dinky parlez-vous. (laughs). First marines went over the top, parlez-vous, First marines went over the top, parlez-vous, First marine went over the top to shoot the hairs off the Kaiser’s c*ck, hinky dinky parlez-vous! (laughs harder) Ok, one more. Mademoiselle from Armentiers, parlez-vous, Mademoiselle from Armentiers, parlez-vous, Mademoiselle from Armentiers hasn’t been screwed in forty years, hinky dinky parlez-vous!!
Below are three choice pics from said collection of children’s drawings.
- Good For you, Darn Germans!
- Ze Bomb
- Kaiser in Hell